Friday, July 31, 2015

Clear Your Mind

The inner voice you hear is yours.
Amber light, soft and dreamy.
Can it be so good?
Allow the gifts that wait for you.
The disbelief keeps them from you.
Clear your mind.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Just Believing

The currency of love becomes the new money.
Can you accept this?
All manner of things can be made out of thought.
We will show you how.
No special gadgets.
Just believing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Welcome the Changes That Set You Free

Allow the visions.
You are grander than you think.
Welcome the changes that set you free.
Acceptance is optional.
Look deeper -
See yourself there too.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

You Walk the Light Beam

You walk the light beam.
Strange that it seems not there, but is.
Like so many things unseen.
You can live in a thimble,
Or fly.
Question the questions.

Monday, July 27, 2015

A Special Grace You Feel

Allow the Higher Self to lead.
Much comes easily then.
All chords cut.
Walk between the rocks.
The inner calm settles.
A special grace you feel.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Just Believing

The currency of love becomes the new money.
Can you accept this?
All manner of things can be made out of thought.
We will show you how.
No special gadgets.
Just believing.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Allow the Visions

Allow the visions.
You are grander than you think.
Welcome the changes that set you free.
Acceptance is optional.
Look deeper.
See yourself there too.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The New Human Walks On Earth

The new human walks on earth.
Heaven's light is in you.
Perhaps your visions are seeing yourself.
Let us help.
You remember your cosmic heritage.
Can you sense their presence?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Maybe You Are Not You Anymore

Maybe you are not you anymore.
So much has changed.
Or, I was not me before.
The ward has become the master.
You are getting to know the multi-dimensional you.
It may be hard to keep track of who is who.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ideals Become Real

You walk peacefully in the storm.
Be alive.
Ideals become real.
Doesn't that feel strangely familiar?
The horizon you have just come upon?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

You Bless By Living

Be calm.
Many wear halo's, unseen.
Luminous turquoise
Invokes an ancient time.
Peace, peace, peace.
You bless by living.

Monday, July 20, 2015

The True Self Comes To the Fore

You stand complete in the light.
No shields needed.
The true self comes to the fore.
The old self has risen.
Forgotten, forgiven, forever.
Do you see?

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Grand Vision Is Fulfilled

I am here.
The power grows with your awakening.
Breath in your many lives,
And distill the essence.
You come alive again.
A grand vision is fulfilled.

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Soul Repairs All Things

Learn new ways.
Adjustments almost complete.
The bread is on the table.
Receive, receive, receive.
Mastery comes easily.
The soul repairs all things.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Command the forces you need.
Legions listen to the pure heart.
Show others how to glow.
Planet earth sends light across the universe.
The star people celebrate this miracle.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Loosen Your Hold of What Can Be

Loosen your hold of what can be.
It is bigger than you think.
The old energy fades.
Great potential now.
Play with the mystery.
The garden is open.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ignore All But the Soul

Console the inner sadness
That mistakes the outer for the inner.
Be at peace
and all follows.
In great abandon
Ignore all but the soul.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Waters Clear

The waters clear
And still themselves.
Look deeply and deeper still.
The golden haze effuses from your skin
Like misty stardust.
The star-seed knows its home.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

You Presence Cures

Pervade matter with your luminous pulse.
Can you open eyes?
And cast out ills?
Abruptly all seems clear.
Your presence cures.
Can you accept you are this powerful?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Watch For Signs

Light condenses upon your thoughts.
Calmly proceed each day,
Knowing you are guided.
Step back and see the big picture.
Watch for signs.
We light the way.

Friday, July 3, 2015

So Many Lives

It's easier this time around,
Isn't it?
So many lives,
Many of them very happy.
You present one face now,
For all the you's that have gone before.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Your Mind Renders Machines Obsolete

Maybe the drama loses its interest.
See the new world
With each breath comes nearer still.
The quickening is yours to quicken.
Your mind renders machines obsolete.
Can you fathom the part you play?