Friday, September 30, 2022

Each Stands in Their Own World

An emerald green in unexpected places.
As if hints and peeks into this new place.
Relax - all is coming along fine.
Loops end.
The noise quiets for those who wish.
Each stands in their own world.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

As Many Inner Suns Awaken

The sea seems to open,
As light beams pour out of earth.
Messages appear in signs unheard,
As dolphin-talk sends crop circle crystals afloat.
Many touch-points of light hold attention,
As many inner suns awaken.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

It Holds a Sort of Constant "Call"

Do you like to hear the rain?
A kind if calming "hum", no?
You sort of travel inward a bit.
Sort of hearing the sky nearby.
Puddles show the sky upon the earth.
It holds a sort of constant "call."

Thursday, September 22, 2022

A "Newness" in the Air

A "newness" in the air.
Just around the corner.
A simmering of good tidings.
As if a benevolent relative appears.
The ground seems to tingle a bit.
As if talking in tones.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A "Walking Thru" of Sorts

A "walking thru" of sorts.
As if easily crossing realms.
Many join the moment.
Earth nods "yes."
Wisdom-keepers come forward.
A blessed place.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

All Seem "Singing"

Higher skills appear.
As if lived and perfected long ago.
As if genius visits you out of the blue.
A sudden knowing of a vast archive of knowledge.
All seem "singing."
The openness overwhelms.

Monday, September 19, 2022

How Far Can You Cast the Light?

How far can you cast the light?
Upon all the world at once?
Upon the suns of other worlds?
How "far out" can you imagine?
Of inner heaven now?
Of leaving a peaceful silence wherever you walk?

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Outposts of Light Deepen Their Call

Outposts of light deepen their call.
As if embedding in earth a well-spring of good.
Wonder-makers everywhere.
As if pioneers into another realm.
Mastery exceeds all expectation,
As light-beings anchor heaven on earth.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

To Cast a Smile on All That Lives on Earth

How present can you be?
To step beside yourself for just a moment.
To consciously breathe the golden light.
To feel the tingling of the sparkle all around.
To playfully expect the best right now.
To cast a smile on all that lives on earth.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Many Lose Interest in the Drama

Timelines seem confused,
As if old-old-school in a way.
Inspiration feeds inspiration,
As visionary sight powers up.
Many lose interest in the drama -
The new beauty is too great.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

It Holds a Kind of Joy Always

Step into the crystal, if you can.
A kind of flame set precisely so.
It lives in visions.
Or so it seems.
Yet more real than you can imagine.
It holds a kind of joy always.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Shining Is Complete

Quite well this moment,
If you will.
Power builds,
If you will.
The armour drops away.
The shining is complete.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Of the "All-Is" That Appears As Human Kind

Walk thru the chaos in peace.
Like Moses parts the sea.
Keep the silence, in the noise,
As the flower grows in the sidewalk crack.
So, the trees speak a bit,
Of the "all-is" that appears as human kind.