Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Light Beams Seem Set Free

Light beam seem set free.
The cells send out their messages,
Long kept hidden and sleeping.
The time capsule opens.
A fervor to advance.
Wield the new power well.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Do You Find Yourself Gazing into Space?

Do you find yourself gazing into space?
As if looking beyond what you see?
Or through it?
Perhaps looking everywhere at once.
In a sense, beyond time.
Can you look beyond even this?

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Labyrinth Clears

The labyrinth clears.
So good to be free once again.
The day is more cheerful,
As if a new place, just discovered.
Could you be at home in heaven
On earth?

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Stories Are Rewritten Happier

Gaps close.
The stories are rewritten happier.
Secrets dissolve.
A new vision.
Calm, calm, calm.
New sensations of higher consciousness.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Every Sentence Seems Unended

Every sentence seems unended,
As if words can no longer describe,
A reality ascended.
The wholeness of the moment cannot be fractured.
Awareness everywhere it seems.
Gladly awaited, now.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Any Sooner and You May Be Overwhelmed

Pieces arrive from far away places.
Unseen, yet there, waiting.
The synchronizing has its own rhythm.
Any sooner, and you may be overwhelmed.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Everything Is an Extension of You

New eyes,
As if entering a new land.
One of the first to see.
The view is an inner setting.
Time stops.
Everything is an extension of you.

Friday, April 12, 2019

To Fast Forward a Thousand Generations

Earth looks inward.
Higher order thoughts tip the balance.
The ground seems alive,
As if pointing the way.
The pull increases,
To fast forward a thousand generations.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

It Is the Age of Miracles

Boundaries drop.
Whole realms merge,
As if essence calls essence.
The vision becomes even grander.
It is the age of miracles.
The quest is "inward ho."

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

An Inner Radiance Appears in Matter

Wisps of the new world unfurl.
Rampant longing for the change.
Available talents come forward.
Perspectives changes.
An inner radiance appears in matter.
Every thought is filtered forward.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Does the Air Seem to Sparkle a Little?

Does the air seem to sparkle a little?
Just enough to peer beneath the surface?
Do you want to play in the new realm?
Look well,
Early seer.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Vision Extends Beyond the Galaxy

Every moment seems brighter.
The hidden symbols step forward.
A new story.
Weariness fades.
Vision extends beyond the galaxy.
Earth enters the cosmic council.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Spellbound, the Higher Sight Reveals the Depth of reality

Spellbound, the higher sight reveals the depth of reality,
Like an overlay of other realms,
Realized coexisting.
Assistance is everywhere,
As if the lucid dream, dreams me.
Am I really that powerful?