Friday, February 26, 2021

Can You "Feel" the Universe?

Can you "feel" the universe?
Reach out and try.
It may seem strangely familiar.
As if sensing home-life everywhere.
Can they "hear" you wondering?
Do they wonder about you too?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Can You Hold It All As One?

Can you hold it all as one?
The distant past and far future too?
More an ether than a self,
Perhaps like "space" itself,
A vessel for creation,
To live thru.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Self Awareness Spreads Into Other Worlds

A kind of "greatness" settles in,
As if energizing deep fibers long asleep.
Visions cross many realms,
So that "whole sight" spans timelines too.
A benevolent wind sweeps along those who wish it.
Self awareness spreads into other worlds.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Just the Thought Alone Places You in Heaven

So many climb the mountain,
Daily, trudging along.
When instead they can spread their wings.
It is the hour of recognition.
To even consider you are an angel,
Just the thought alone places you in heaven.

Monday, February 22, 2021

As If the Heaven-Star Is Anchored Into Earth

The inner imagining becomes much stronger.
The wind seems to come in many directions, now,
As if everywhere at once.
The flame holds its own, yet so,
Even brighter, stronger,
As if the heaven-star is anchored into earth.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Clocks Lose Ticks, As Time Fades In and Out

When is the day you straddle the veil?
And hold both realms as one?
Clocks lose ticks,
As time fades in and out.
Do you feel in other places, too?
Do you feel like you are moving, or not quite here?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Does Every Thought Lead Back To the Inner Light?

Does every thought lead back to the inner light?
As if known to be the place to be?
Earth holds open a temple around you,
As if building form to fit your place.
Waves of consciousness swirl about this place,
With "brightness" more felt than seen.

Monday, February 15, 2021

As If Predictability Is Turned Off Now

Many unlikely paths cross,
As if "synchronicity" is on display.
Wild cards everywhere,
As if predictability is turned off now.
Early signs of the shimmering show thru.
The "reach" extends beyond imagination.

Friday, February 12, 2021

To Spark the Chain Reaction Into Gold Mist

Look past what you see,
To look upon the future that you want.
You brighten the future, so put yourself there.
Better, better, better.
It only take 1 or 2 or 3,
To spark the chain reaction into gold mist.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Perhaps You'll Send Yourself An Angel

Is it the time of the visitation?
Of that hidden realm become visible?
What is the way when all ways are good?
Who feels the lightning about you?
Perhaps you'll send yourself an angel,
To show what's really real.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Angels Enter Awareness Commonly

Waves of joy upon new earth.
The sensitives feel it so already.
Unusual visions presented by the higher vibration,
As if introducing a new way.
Angels enter awareness commonly,
As if eyes opened to greater meaning present.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Holding the Vision Longer and Stronger

All seems more liquid and flowing,
As if boundaries melt,
As if all stuck now unstuck.
A sense of new energy,
Holding the vision longer and stronger.
Many seed the far future.

Monday, February 8, 2021

People Start Seeing "All-Time"

Earth visitors soon more seen.
People start seeing "all-time,"
Which shifts the boundary of who one is.
The sense of merging self and other is physically felt.
Known rules all obsolete.
The greater path chosen.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Can You Feel the Hidden Power In the Air?

Can you feel the hidden power in the air?
As if it really has tears here and there to peer through?
Let us go deeper,
And see the burning star inside.
Is outer space really that close?
You are vaster than you think.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Do Dreams Seem Far More Real?

Do dreams seem far more real?
As if you're bridging worlds, or realms?
As if future earth knows you are here to help now?
People write signs on earth to honor it.
Past sages alive again.
Earth acknowledges the determination to rise this time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

To Spark Illumination, As a Background Galactic Glow

Are you awake enough to dream lucid here, now?
Ancient masters come again.
So many wanting this to work,
To feel the "aha" that's almost already just happened,
To spark illumination,
As a background galactic glow.