Monday, August 29, 2016

All Obstruction Is an Illusion

Go beyond the mountain.
All obstruction is an illusion.
Watch for miracles.
They sparkle around you always.
You are projecting more than an image.
You open the door for them.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

God's Light Opens Closed Minds

You need to go inner deeper.
The answers are easier there.
See more clearly from that point of view.
Let the energy work for you.
God's light opens closed minds.
Let the waters refresh you.

Friday, August 26, 2016

It Is the Twilight Of the New Earth

It is the twilight of the new earth.
You have brought it to this moment.
Delight in the paradise you have created.
A little more, a little more.
The diamond shows itself.
You have new eyes.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Frontier Is the New Earth

Pretend it is a game, some play,
Like a child at play.
You're getting used to the new energy.
It may feel uncomfortable.
You are a pioneer here.
The frontier is the new earth.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Archetypes Are Ready

The archetypes are ready.
The new ones for this world.
Tune into the compassionate master.
The whirlwind of choice settles into intuition.
Bother not your cares.
A clean sweep now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

This Time Around It Is Easier

This time around it is easier.
Forget the lifetimes of uphill struggle.
You've changed the earth,
By changing yourself.
Can you see what you have done?
You've brought heaven to earth - yes, you.

Monday, August 22, 2016

All Can Change In An Instant

See into yourself.
Believe in yourself.
It's so much better than you think.
All can change in an instant.
But always for the best.
You are blessed.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Happiness Is All Around You

Lighten the moment.
Watch for the surprises we leave for you.
Happiness is all around you.
Do you need a miracle?
Just one?

Friday, August 19, 2016

You Set the Tone Of Earth

Lasting peace.
Realize you are divine.
Brighten the moment.
Be above your thoughts.
You set the tone of earth.
What do you want to create?

I Am Happy - (I Keep a Copy In My Pocket)

I keep a copy of this in my pocket. 
It helps me stay in a vibration of happiness and well-being.
It is based on the the wisdom of Abraham (Law of Attraction) as channeled by Esther Hicks.

I Am Happy
Things are much better than I think.
Everything is working out.                                                  All is well.
Cooperating components are assembling for me.
You gaze upon me and adore me always.
I see good in what I see now.
I enjoy being happy.
I deserve to be happy.
I love living in this reality and creating with vibration.
I am getting better at using vibrational power to draw to me what makes me happy.
I am really, really good at manifesting.
I am piece of God.                                                                I am powerful.
The power that creates worlds is available to me.
I appreciate uplifting and upbeat people, places, and things.
I am a piece of creative source.
I am happier and happier every day.
It is very important that I am happy.
I receive my gifts now, with great appreciation.
I thank you for giving me what I want in such surprising ways.
My happiness brings me what I want.
I choose to be happy, and see the good in this moment.
I am happy and carefree like a child.
I am truly blessed.                                                                I can do anything.
Everything is better and better.
I know what I vibrate is coming to me.
My thoughts control what comes to me.
I really like to think and have these things appear.
You give me everything I ask for – I just need to accept it.
The universe smiles upon me always.
I am truly worthy of all I desire.                                          I do things that make me happy.
Everything is possible and available to me.
I am invincible.
And so it is.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Complete Awareness Soon

Complete awareness soon.
Rock meets water.
Follow the waves of energy.
Your power is active, you know.
Can you feel it wishing to play?
Do you smell the roses yet?

Monday, August 15, 2016

The New Energy Can Be Very Tiring

The new energy can be very tiring.
Much is going on beyond your awareness.
Open the channel.
A golden light pours in.
Use it as a salve.
It knows smiles too.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Work From Inside Out

Can you understand what you have not seen before?
You do the best you can.
Adjust your focus nearer.
Consciousness intensifies.
Let your intuition speak for you.
Work from inside out.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Open Up To the Hidden Realm

Step into the arena.
The view is better there.
Open up to the hidden realm.
It comes to help you now.
All is well.
The inner temple is open.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Bring Along Your Dreams

Bring along your dreams.
They are part of you.
Can you trickle from the stars?
Can you be a little less sure of all that you know?
Render the meaning of all void,
Save that God is within.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hold the Earth-Watch Dear

The line between here and there blurs.
Can you be sure where you are?
Perhaps many worlds at once.
You guide just be being there.
Gladden others with your thoughts.
Hold the earth-watch dear.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The New Day Is Here

Hold your light stronger now.
Let others see what a master can do.
Kingdoms are at your command.
Live well this moment.
Allow the burning flame to illuminate your way.
The new day is here.

Monday, August 8, 2016

I Hold the Inner World In Focus

Your passion leads you home.
Enjoy peace.
Let your happy thoughts bless the world.
Can you cast off all illusion?
Let's start here:
"I hold the inner world in focus."

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Heaven Is Closer Than You Think

Heaven is closer than you think.
Open your arms and let it in.
There is a glass door that you must open.
Just will it so.
Ready, so ready.
Still the questions.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Peace Sweeps This Place

Hold fast the new earth.
Peace sweeps this place.
Buckets of joy too.
The lake spills into the forest.
It is good they can work together.
All will.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Your Calmness Leaves a Trail Of Peace

The opening of gates is complete.
Happily live the day.
Your calmness leaves a trail of peace.
A stillness pervades the inner world.
Stay focused on what you want.
Opportunity comes in many ways.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bless the People and the Earth

Bless the people and the earth.
Lower your gaze and hold all in view.
The inner light draws others to you.
Many lifetimes act though you.
Combine all the realities into this moment.
Being lifts you up.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Allow the Intuition To Speak

Allow the intuition to speak.
It knows a bigger picture.
The temperament of the master sets in.
Draw near the inner circle.
Can you focus so clearly,
To span lifetimes in a vision?

Monday, August 1, 2016

Be Vigilant Of Symbols

You are ready for the next level.
Rest. You needn't work so hard.
Relax. Feel free. Be yourself.
New possibilities everywhere.
Be vigilant of symbols.
They hold great power.