Friday, November 30, 2018

Old Hidden Corridors of the Old Vanish

Elevations are sought
Beyond all horizons,
Ethereal in a way.
Old, hidden corridors of the old vanish.
The widening gap of old and new.
The light sears closed the open wounds.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Are You One of the New Temples on Earth?

Do visions seem more real?
Are you one of the new temples on earth?
The zeal to shine overpowers.
Place your attention on the outer star.
It watches and is watched.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thoughts Seem to Glow

Outposts of light come to the fore.
A greater awareness of the other worlds.
The wearisome road is in the past.
The garden grows rapidly.
New paths are opened.
Thoughts seem to glow.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Galaxy Looks Inward

Belief strengthens.
Powers increase.
Stay inward focused.
It sets the rules.
The starpath holds your attention.
The galaxy looks inward.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Bells Ring to Celebrate the End of Drama

Bells ring to celebrate the end of drama.
A balance sweeps the earth.
Thoughts soften.
The willingness to agree is apparent.
Are your dreams big enough?
Welcome, early light-bearer.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Perhaps the Revelation of Yet Another Inner World

The new kingdom is open.
Every petal that falls is seen by other worlds.
How so not your thoughts too?
You are ready for more.
Perhaps the revelation of yet another inner world.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Language Seems Unnecessary

A place of well-being,
The earth is becoming.
The kind become kinder.
Language seems unnecessary,
Even thought, too,
As the new human emerges.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Can You See Yourself Among the Stars?

Can you see yourself among the stars?
And fill the vastness of space.
You're there already - just tune in.
Look through your thoughts,
As if they are are hardly there.
Hold open your awareness.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

An Opalescent Glow Appears

Call inward.
Every cell waits to hear.
Bells of joy ring in the body.
An opalescent glow appears.
Can you see us yet?
The stars open wisdom.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Dream Gets Better

All is unlocked.
All doors are open.
Sweeping change needs it so.
Mirrors, mirrors, mirrors.
Every secret is revealed.
The dream gets better.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Inner Spin Quickens

A glow appears.
It seems to hover everywhere.
You must look to see.
The inner spin quickens.
New stories everywhere.
Boundless dreams.

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Good Day to Awaken

A good day to awaken.
Available resources appear and present themselves.
Stars in eyes.
Earth leaps forward.
A feeling of "Yes, it's working,"
Calmly lighting every path.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Conjure the Best, Most Brilliant, Most Magnificent

Look below the surface.
It teams with answers there.
Go into the inner realm.
Whole stories are born there.
Conjure the best, most brilliant, most magnificent.
Then flick the switch.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Are You Willing to Be the Best You Can Be?

Are you willing to be the best you can be?
To really show yourself truly?
Stay in the moment.
Let all awareness converge
Upon the open space
And inner world too.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Sparks Light More Sparks

The trance ends.
Sparks light more sparks.
You walk the favored path.
Long unknown places of peace
Come forward.
The clairvoyance spreads.

Monday, November 5, 2018

What Better Things Can You Think?

A fresh world.
Let go the grip of the past.
It's bitterness no more.
What better things can you think?
A softer earth.
A kinder earth.

Friday, November 2, 2018

The Parts Spin in Unison Once Again

Close the open gap.
The parts spin in unison once again.
No more boundaries.
Observe the golden haze around everything.
A new dimension opens --
Cosmic awareness.