Friday, May 29, 2020

As If Re-Peopled by Higher Beings

Earth centers itself.
As if re-peopled by higher beings.
Same bodies - higher beings.
Doubt clears.
The "freeing" nears completion.
Earth-light flaring thru the universe like a sun.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Far Out Places Seem Near and Now

Evidence of the new earth mounts.
Reluctance to change dwindles,
As better ways reveal themselves.
The dark occupancy of earth is absorbed into the light.
A fresh start.
Far out places seem near and now.

Monday, May 25, 2020

All At-Odds Positions Harmonized

Multitudes awaken,
As the "knowing" enters consciousness.
Many pull many up too.
Earth itself "rings."
All at-odds positions harmonized,
So of the earth, suns all sun-flare thru out the galaxy as galactic fireworks.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Full Awareness Starts

Stepping stones no longer needed.
The direct path is everywhere.
Outskirts of reality are right at hand.
The new earth is here.
Early, early, very early.
Full awareness starts.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Events Synchronize in Uncommon Ways

Events synchronize in uncommon ways,
As if a new kind of intelligence moves thru earth.
Epicenters of the light coalesce,
As understandings evolve,
Of how awareness really works.
You are watching a new earth form.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mountains Seem Easily Moved

The fog lifts.
The noise quiets.
An inner illumination is felt by all,
As outer limits seem more natural.
Poignant moment now common.
Mountains seem easily moved.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The "Knowing" Spreads

The road winds back on itself.
The realization seems unreal and opens eyes.
We were there all along.
All logic seems labored,
As if completely out of date.
The "knowing" spreads.

Friday, May 15, 2020

A Magnetic Pull to the Easy Life

Our cosmic kin sensed now,
As earth is still and listening.
A magnetic pull to the easy life.
To the better life.
""Life everywhere" sinks in,
As full awareness holds all in mind at once.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Can You Sense Earth Is Another Realm Now?

Veritable angels walk earth, humans upraised.
Tangents seen clearly as irrelevant,
As single focused higher earth lives now.
Can you sense earth is another realm now?
What need of prophets when you hear the voice yourself?
Can you see how deeply it's possible to see?

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Does Everything Seem a Bit Tinted Golden?

The unencumbered light soothes the earth.
A brilliance sweeps earth.
The cloth is cut in new ways.
Hyper-exaggeration of the good brings even more good.
Does everything seem a little bit tinted golden?
A new, vaster range of seeing baffles experts.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Earth-Life Holds the Glow Successfully

Thru your eyes, see the kind of world you want.
Alignments unseen yet profound surround you.
Nature seems more everyday natural,
As if a friend extends its hand.
Awareness appears in unlikely places.
Earth-life holds the glow successfully.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Old Earth Debris Washes Ashore on New Earth

Fast tunnels to the future found.
Old earth debris washes ashore on new earth.
The planet visibly brightens.
Years seem irrelevant as time leaps forward.
An amber-like glow is sensed in the rocks,
As they ready themselves to hold blissful energies.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Whisper Becomes the Wind-Song

The whisper becomes the wind-song.
All stones turn over.
The air sparkles.
The sense of illumination is written on every face.
It stands openly, pervasively real.
Many have worked many lifetimes for this.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Does It All Seem a Little Too Alive?

Can you walk between the worlds until they join?
Perception deepens.
It's as if being "near" sighted gives you higher vision.
Everything is so conscious,
That the rock you look upon stares back at you.
Does it all seem a little TOO alive/

Friday, May 1, 2020

The Under-Glow Breaks Thru the Illusion

The under-glow breaks thru the illusion,
Sitting in the midst for all to sense.
Undeniable. Powerful.
So deep a calm that it shows itself.
Called forth by a myriad of light-workers.
The planet and the galaxy smile.