Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Can You Reach Thru the Veil For Just a Moment?

Can you reach thru the veil for just a moment?
Step across the line just for a moment?
See all life forms in a single glance?
Enter the timeless realm?
Visit the glinting, gleaming ideas yet to be?
And live fully in the light once again - just for a moment?

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Open Mind Feels the Pull of a Million Guides

Ever so better now.
Signs multiply.
A growing sense of "yes, always."
New friends.
The open mind feels the pull of a million guides.
Everything casually "falls into place" easily.

Monday, September 28, 2020

With Just One Thought That "Rings" All of Creation

Just 1 thought for 1 moment that you are everywhere,
Unlocks doors unknown,
Sparks fly.
Are you the one to change it all?
With just 1 thought,
That "rings" all of creation.

Friday, September 25, 2020

"The Knowing" Replaces Arduous, Archaic Study

Cycles morph to super-stream spirolettes,
As time-controllers relent,
So all-time pervades this reality.
So, moment to moment miracles open eyes,
As cosmic mind enters awareness.
"The knowing" replaces arduous, archaic study.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Deeper, Deeper Into the Good Unknown

The fire inside burns brightly, no?
Enthusiasm, inspiration, kindness.
It lights one candle the next.
A happier day. A happier day.
Deeper, deeper into the good unknown.
Trust - it is all so much better.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Can You See "The New" in "The New Day"?

Can you see "the new" in "the new day"?
As if entering a new land.
A new time.
A new set of people.
Like a space-time traveler.
So much to explore.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Road Seems to End, Does It Not?

The road seems to end, does it not?
And so you are the new pioneer.
Trekking new land, unexplored.
A kind of frenetic, energetic zeal,
To explore this new place,
And see what is possible here.

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Air Seems to Hold a New Quality, No?

The air seems to hold a new quality, no?
As if holding distance no more.
All perceiving.
Whole. One again,
Unencumbered, as it was meant to be.

Friday, September 18, 2020

The Chant of "New Earth" on Many, Many Lips

Evermore good.
New paths to better places,
As if lit with new awareness.
A joy fills the air.
The chant of "new earth" on many, many lips.
A sense of excitement of an undiscovered place.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

As If Turning on a Dormant Cellular Structure

Light pulses increase in the body.
As if turning on a dormant cellular structure.
Based on luminescence.
Bio-photons build a new "receiving vinage" and morphology,
To resonate with the light-codes in this part of galactic space.
Light bursts awaken even deeper cellular mechanisms not seen on earth-life yet.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

You Are the Awakening, Brought to Life

Aligned, so aligned.
The words you speak, any words, carry out the awakening energy.
It colors everything you do, you think, you say.
Even if you hum a tune,
Or sit closed eyes silent.
You are the awakening, brought to life.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Galactic Families Smile Upon the Rising Star

The drift is strong, isn't it?
To a better place so soon.
As if a door were opened to a place of gifts,
Or a realm you knew was there, but somehow hidden.
Rejoice, you live at this time.
The galactic families smile upon the rising star.

Monday, September 14, 2020

A Background "Joy" Is Almost Visible


Likelihoods of good imbue matter,
As long-held narratives drop away.
Best paths lit of all possible paths,
As if overtly guided to higher consciousness.
Heaven and earth fuse in the self-elected human.
A background "joy" is almost visible.

Friday, September 11, 2020

The Sense of "New" Is Overwhelming

Just work thru the next moment.
That is all you need to do.
Shards of the past gladly buried,
As higher earth colors all thoughts.
Matter morphs to living thought-forms.
The sense of "new" is overwhelming.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Inner Worlds Join

 Inner worlds join,
And manifest the new realm.
You know you live this now, this moment,
As if several time-line spindles here.
Watch your own waters.
The lens is yours to adjust.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Alchemy Everywhere

Alchemy everywhere,
As if earth itself were making new kinds of matter.
So much joy infused,
Deeply into particles, molecules and anti-matter.
Can you touch a rock and think it the same as old earth?
And so, matter communicates now more readily.