Higher Self and Soul speak to me through an Inner Voice. This is a strong thought rather than an audible voice. I can distinguish these thoughts from my other thoughts. The Inner Voice wants to speak these universal messages to all who are drawn to them. Each message is relevant at the time you read it.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
The Under-Glow Surfaces
The under-glow surfaces.
Awareness seems in potent bundles,
As if full consciousness sputtering to start.
Guides appear more openly.
The noise quiets.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Quicker and Quicker the New Earth Comes
Quicker and quicker the new earth comes.
All hands held,
Away and beyond,
As if affirming being one.
Stars everywhere,
As if the universe is vastly more aware of itself.
Friday, July 23, 2021
A Kind of Spiritual Fire
Earth watches you more than you think,
As if a piece of you.
A kind of "goldenness" is always available,
Air-like, in a way,
As if breathed from earth for you.
A kind of spiritual fire.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Wild Animals More Prevalent, Yet Tame
Many wonders along the way.
New friends come forward.
Wild animals more prevalent,
Yet tame,
As if knowing the times have changed,
As if new fore-runners of peace.
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
"The Quiet" Becomes a Place
"The quiet" becomes a place,
Or more, "the way it is."
Far offs seem near.
Far outs seem right.
All walls crumble.
"All-sight" in every eye.
Friday, July 16, 2021
As If Looking Upon Living, Breathing Light
Iridescent colors many,
As if looking upon living, breathing light.
Vast knowledge,
As a gift.
Many aware of the opening,
As if a switch flicked on.
Thursday, July 15, 2021
As the Old Grasp Can No Longer Hold the Growing Etheric Light
A feeling of unlimited reach,
As if fully joined into the one-moment.
Fetters lift,
As the old grasp can no longer hold the growing etheric light.
Aware that a deep silence pervades inner space.
A knowing too vast for words.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Light Currents Pull Along the Ready
Every sign stronger,
As other way-showers light the way, too.
Good possibilities multiply,
As "the bettering" sweeps earth.
Light currents pull along the ready.
An "all-softening" enters awareness.
Friday, July 2, 2021
The Sparks Find Each Other
The sparks find each other,
As if the glow attracts more glow.
Writers and poets thrive,
As the inner world holds high focus.
Calm calls more calm,
As peace quiets the lion.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
So Many Willing the New Earth into Being
So many willing the new earth into being,
As if mass consciousness itself wants this now.
Third eyes spark,
As if all flames lit.
A time of open wonders,
As if the very fabric of space-time rejoices.