Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Kind of "Writing" in All Everywhere

The gift is always present.
A knowing that all is well.
Hidden "yes's" everywhere.
Star-bright lights ways.
A kind of "writing" in all everywhere,
As if energy imprints now fully visible.

Friday, November 26, 2021

As Air Sparks to Higher Life

Many seeing beyond, now,
As if the inner world holds more truth.
Light-forms openly express.
Earth-dweller lifted up,
As air sparks to higher life.
Invisibles come forward.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thought Power Visibly Seen Soon

The heaviness lifts.
A fierceness for the sense of joy.
Columns of light surround those willing to see.
Thought power visibly seen soon.
The will, not the mind,
For the mind is but the messenger.

Monday, November 22, 2021

The Quiet Candle Burns Brightly, no?

Does the sun seem bound in a thimble?
So, the soul-light lives in you.
The quiet candle burns brightly, no?
Calm, so calm,
Even if the wind is blowing outside.
Calm, so calm.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

An Open View

A better view,
As if seeing thru a worm-hole,
Perhaps many at once.
A bit everywhere.
Criss-crosses clearer.
An open view.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Echoes Felt of Future Selfs

A better door opens,
As if to a new realm.
Echoes felt of future selfs,
That can handle energy across time easily.
Always the inner chant "New Earth Now."
Earth more prominently enters the dream-scape.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Air Holds Light More Readily

Polarities blur.
Thoughts less there.
A tincture of angelic hearing.
Archives open and readable.
Air holds light more readily,
As rainbows enter atomic structure.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

To Blaze Open New Trails

Can you breathe air into heaven here?
As if bringing it more and more alive?
Sense the "bettering" and play with it.
The moon-wind opens new sight.
Earth "changes" the grids for the ready.
To blaze open new trails.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Under-Glow Peeks Thru

The under-glow peeks thru,
As doors long shut, open.
Pockets of heaven now,
As new earthlings seed the "deepening."
Heaven unseals hidden places,
So power-points flare.

Friday, November 5, 2021

The Wilderness Blooms

Further, further into the new realm,
Pulled along now.
The miracle rests in your hand.
A stillness pervades suddenly,
As if, on its own, it knows, and comes.
The wilderness blooms.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Perhaps You Are the Candle That Walks the Earth

Can the candle light the way?
Perhaps you are the candle that walks the earth.
A kindness grows,
As time winds down.
An easier place for star-family to visit.
The visitation begins, openly.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Step Thru the Haze

How long have you been waiting?
As if watching a flower grow.
So many others wait too.
Let us step across the puddles.
Far more help than you think.
Step thru the haze.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

A Bridge Across the Stars

Every good place closer,
As if you tune-out vast swaths of noise.
People meander free and happy,
As if sensing a brighter place now.
A bridge across the stars,
Is open now.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Every Wish Made Known

The pot cooks.
The winding road ends.
A kind of "snow" appears.
A sparkling in the air.
Every wish made known,
As earth hears itself.