Thursday, March 31, 2022

For Some, the Power Seems Too Vast

"Old energy" keepers sleep,
Better, said, fade,
As "beyond mind" comes alive.
Breathing easier.
For some, the power seems too vast,
As overnight geniuses flick switches brighter with a glance.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

A Widening View of Reality

The sky seems more "lit."
As if "talking" to us.
Many feel they are moving, when still,
As if consciously living other life-streams here, now.
A widening view of reality,
As all senses climb out of boxes.

Friday, March 25, 2022

The Inner World Holds Attention

The wrapper unwraps,
As if "essence" must shine now.
Overtly benevolent acts common,
As wholeness gels.
The inner world holds attention,
As if living thru eyes of the heart.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Gardens Gather Around Walking Stars

Visions, visions, visions.
Signs of the open future.
Gardens gather around walking stars.
Loops in time unhook.
A radiance appears,
As earth-life talks to the galaxy thru star-tunnels.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Earth Is "The Place" To Be

All sense the higher vibe,
As if inner ears hear all.
A kind of immense greatness felt,
As if embarking upon a legendary journey,
Held in awe throuout the galaxy.
Earth is "the place" to be.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

A Kind of Joy Spreads Over Earth

A kind of rarified air available,
As if heaven stirs the air.
Earth opens many a vortex,
As pathways connect inner stars.
Flowers seem transcendent.
A kind of joy spreads over earth.

Monday, March 21, 2022

A Deeper Layer of Earth Appears

A deeper layer of earth appears,
As if masked and hidden until now,
Like lantern-stones as energy pools,
And winds that ring higher tones.
Long lost letters found,
As messages appear from other realms.

Friday, March 18, 2022

How Far Your Reach to Know Your Real Power?

How many "stars" must walk the earth to set the glow forever?
How much fire in the air to feed the higher earth?
How much inner focus to live beyond the veil?
How much open mind to live across the galaxy?
How many miracles to convince you, you can be in heaven now?
How far your reach to know your real power?

Thursday, March 17, 2022

To Pull Earth-Life Forward Quickly and Far

A kind of "active vision" as you close your eyes,
As if seeing a dream-space.
Realms many seem touchable now,
As if flipping through which heavenly garden to pick.
Many, many future selves reach back,
To pull earth-life forward quickly and far.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

A Growing Sense of Mass Illumination

Inner ceremonies felt,
As if way-showers spark long lost paths.
Inter-world roads found,
As kin meet kin.
A growing sense of mass illumination,
As light-bodies come online.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Kind of Dreamy, Miracle Place

Perhaps you can sense the "radiance,"
The inner glow,
The part of you that "is" the radiance.
Keeper of the flame you are.
What world can you build with pure power?
A kind of dreamy, miracle place.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Time-Streams Direct New Thought-Forms

A kind of "wholeness" felt,
As if many lost parts found.
Day by day, a little better.
Earth knows your vision,
A peaceful place.
Time-streams direct new thought-forms.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Even the Smallest Step Counts

Even the smallest step counts.
Even 10 seconds of quiet counts.
Even a single smile counts.
Even one happy thought counts.
Even one kind thought of earth counts.
Come, new earth, come.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Perhaps You "Are" Heaven's Door

Perhaps you "are" heaven's door.
A portal to anywhere, anytime.
A walking mystery.
A living miracle.
You, yes, you,
The star-being presence.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Flower a Master Offers To You?

How many flowers does it take to make you smile?
A flower in every hand of every person on earth?
A flower fetched by every animal in the world?
Flowers raining from the sky?
A flower trail that appears as you walk?
A flower a master offers to you?

Monday, March 7, 2022

The Flower Holds a Child-Like Trance

So many step closer,
As if passing the torch to a new kind of earth-life.
An inner wandering.
A golden outline around everything,
As matter "speeds up."
The flower holds a child-like trance.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Inner Longings Show and Shine

As if flowers blooming everywhere,
A kind of miracle beyond-spectral color,
Like seeing star constellations hanging in the nearby air.
The hologram makes itself evident,
As each person sees "words" written on each other.
Inner longings show and shine.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

As the Vastness of Discovery Brings Tears of Joy

A kind of "super genius" imbues humanity,
As if inspiration in the air everywhere.
Dreams open distant horizons now.
An electricity felt.
Galactic worlds seem to mix openly,
As the vastness of discovery brings tears of joy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

A Walkway Thru the Stars

Suppose a sacred place grew overnight beside you,
A portal of sorts.
A bubble of health and healing.
A bubble of longevity and youthing.
An alcove across the veil.
A walkway thru the stars.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

As Earth-Light Focuses Wherever You Are

Availabalilities more often,
To house a happy bubble.
Stars form inside easier,
As if cosmic thought realized.
Crystal grids build on their own.
As earth-light focuses wherever you are.