Wednesday, August 31, 2022

As Consciousness Enters the Equations

A quirkiness to things,
As matter comes apart a bit.
A viisible "mist" seems to fill the gaps,
As is released what already was there.
Old physics gives way to new,
As consciousness enters the equations.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Kind Of Walking Thru The Suns

So clear.
So near.
An openness to discover.
An openness to other worlds.
A kind of walking thru the suns,
Sensing where this universe touches another universe.

Monday, August 29, 2022

As If Made Of "Thought-Matter" Waves

Alive, alive, alive.
A feeling of great safety.
In an unknown beautiful place.
As if wandering a sacred place.
Matter seems more liquid,
As if made of "thought-matter" waves.

Friday, August 26, 2022

As If All Galactic Life Is But A Stone's-Throw Away

Intervals of time vanish,
As all-knowing precludes the need.
Particles seem surprisingly intelligent,
As if conscious, in a way.
The sky seems deeper and more vast,
As if all galactic life is but a stone's-throw away.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Earth Sets The Galaxy Aglow

Come along, come along.
The "writing" is everywhere.
Upon everything.
Relax - it's all working out well.
All lamps lit.
Earth sets the galaxy aglow.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Many Need To Be Alone

Many need to be alone,
To step back a bit,
To float, in a way,
Open to "all-sensing,"
Open to "dream upward,"
Open to be greater, beyond your knowing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

As If Sparks Sent Into "The Field" Chain-React

A kind of "lighting up" felt,
As if sparks sent into "the field" chain-react.
In a sense, take on a new state,and "lase."
People stare out into space,
As if longing for something better,
Being new earth now alive.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Kindred Spirits in Every Eye

The silence spreads,
As non-doing seems more attractive.
A kind of "calling" out of the sky,
In the air, on the ground.
The air super-saturated with kindness.
Kindred spirits in every eye.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

As "The Field" Saturates With "Light-Work"

A calling forth of sorts,
As new earth rises up.
Cosmic awareness opens minds,
As star-kin come near.
The ever-light appears where needed.
As "the field" saturates with "light-work."

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Does Everything Seem a Bit Hyper-Real?

Does everything seem a bit hyper-real?
Saturated beyond the normal colors a bit?
Where are the time-tunnels now?
As inner time replaces outer time.
Questors all now.
The clouded comes clear.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Do You Feel Like Time Is Skipping Forward?

Do you feel like time is skipping forward?
As if blocks of time seem missing?
Are things "coming and going" before your eyes?
Other worlds popping in and out?
A kind of healing all about.
A kind of "joining the missing parts."

Friday, August 12, 2022

A Lulling of Sorts

Many walk away from the drama,
Sensing a golden time.
Sounds seem magnified,
So silence sought.
A lulling of sorts,
Like trees swaying in the wind, like the meadow rocking.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

And the Dirt on the Ground Makes Symbols Where You Walk

When the animals walk beside you,
And the birds come near,
It is near the time.
When the sunlight flares like a sun-struck mirror,
And the dirt on the ground makes symbols where you walk,
It is now the time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A Kind Of Need To Morph Words To Tones

A furthering of endeavors,
As if accelerating the potentials.
Many walkways span the abys's,
As if far out dreams draw into quick reality.
The "hum" begins.
A kind of need to morph words to tones.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

As If Opening Gifts From The Future

Guides appear in unlikely places,
Like sign-posts amidst the chaos.
Solitude opens corridors of peace,
As earth hums its way home.
A kind of "happiness" in the air,
As if opening gifts from the future.

Friday, August 5, 2022

All Feel The Pull

Of a higher earth now.
A quantum jump.
The newness energizes.
A kind of leap into heaven,
On earth still.
All feel the pull.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

You Are The Living Prayer

Inner feelings seem clearer.
Crystal clear.
Pure and strong,
As if intoned with "Om."
As if a white glistening mist wafts thru you.
You are the living prayer.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

As If You Travel Time On A Whim

How wild can things get?
As if the sun and moon were in your pocket.
As if you healed anything with slightest thought.
As if earth shook a bit as you walked upon it.
As if the trees threw down their leaves to cloak you.
As if you travel thru time on a whim.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

As If Illuminated By The God-Flame

The seeing goes beyond the eye,
As if more felt than seen.
The "vision" spans many worlds,
As if alive thruout the vastness.
Inner sight lights up,
As if illuminated by the God-flame.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Joy Blazes

A hopefulness about,
As if peeking a bit forward on a great surprise.
A "lifting up."
Obstacles fade.
A kind of "wonder time."
Joy blazes.