Friday, January 27, 2023

The Galaxy "Sleeps Easier"

Many symbols in the air.
As if sprinkled there for your well-being.
Sensing a "goodness" around.
A kind of shimmering joy.
Emblems of peace appear.
The galaxy "sleeps easier."

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Masters Uncloak and Shine

A healing in the air.
As a "lightness" unhooks diseases.
Does a star stick in your visions?
Water turns the wheel.
A kind of evolutionary "thrusting forward."
Masters uncloak and shine.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

All About - Just Waiting

A calm awareness comes.
As if putting a distance between here and there a bit.
A hint of "super-fuel" for the body.
All about - just waiting.
Can you see the new day in a new way?
Perhaps as entering yet another new realm.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Can You See the Golden Horizon Yet?

A growing vision appears.
As if the first sentence of a great epic.
Flash-points many.
As if beginning "the sparkling."
A freer place now.
Can you see the golden horizon yet?

Friday, January 20, 2023

Unusual Coincidences More and More

Unusual coincidences more and more.
As new earth appears more and more.
The feeling of "greatness" at hand.
As cosmic thought enters awareness.
Upper joy.
A steady "golden hum."

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Under-Sparkling of Matter?

Can you see the cosmic eye?
The under-sparkling of matter?
Can you trust enough to walk upon the air?
To hold a billion years comfortably in your mind?
Can you set the measure here?
And call it "best"?

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Many a World Within

A kind of "golden ribbon" marks the way.
A quiet longing pulls you there.
Are there stars that live inside your body?
A kind of cosmic imprint.
A "bigness" inside.
Many a world within.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The "Bubbling" Begins

Quietly, quietly, quietly.
Like the snow falling overnight.
So comes a brightening of all life.
Yes, the rocks and molecules, too.
A "wished for" way.
The "bubbling" begins.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Many Walk Lighter

Open visions now.
Perhaps too great to understand.
The inner sight extends outward.
So to see "into" others.
A feeling that the vastness of cosmic space is an illusion.
Many walk lighter.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Do You Feel Things Smiling At You?

Can you sense the parallel worlds each a step away?
The feeling of being in many places at once?
The golden haze about each path?
The glitter that lays at your feet and in the air?
Where are you, really?
Do you feel things smiling at you?