Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Earth's All the Buzz

A kind of "walking thru."
As if cosmic lamps light the way.
A kind of "greeting" all around,
As if kin all.
A sense set free.
Earth's all the buzz.

Monday, March 18, 2024

And Find the Moment willing to Morph?

Are far off lands a place in the sky?
Or an opening of sorts to another realm?
Can you wish upon the inner star?
And find the moment willing to morph?
How quickly the day drifts by,
As if by angel's breath.

Friday, March 15, 2024

A Kind of Tinkling Sound

A brightness comes closer.
Perhaps a sense of "all good."
A kind of tinkling sound.
As if a great gentleness awoke.
The sky seems full of life.
Beholding greatness here.