Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Glow Is Noticed By All

The energy shows itself to you.
Entire worlds come into view.
The horizon of life is everywhere.
We hold you close and dear.
The glow is noticed by all.
Awareness only, soon.

Friday, January 29, 2016

You Cast An Image Everywhere

Exceed the reach you thought you had.
Nearer, nearer still you come.
Many years it took to come this far.
Your power exceeds your understanding.
The entire universe is watching you.
You cast an image everywhere.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Inner Glow Deepens.

The inner glow deepens.
Become the breath you breathe.
The power within calls itself alive.
Walk through the portal of the sun.
It is ready now.
I am a portal of the light.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Inner Willingness To Change Increases

You may feel like you are moving
out of your time cell.
Shift your attention.
You span much space now.
Let the puzzle subside.
The inner willingness to change increases.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Edges Fade

The edges fade.
Whole worlds appear,
In places you do not expect.
So grows a new awareness,
That renders the old as old.
The star people come soon.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Assume the Best

Expand the awareness
Into the reaches of the universe.
Assume the best.
Breath the golden air.
Now is the moment.
Many want to help.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Moment Holds Us All

The moment holds us all.
A new rhythm sets in.
The gate is open already.
Does Eden seem so strange?
Walk inward more.
You'll see yourself most clearly.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Be More You

Bend time with your mind.
Blend the new-come wishes.
Befriend all,
If only in your thoughts.
Be more you.
Honor the moment.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The World Inside Is Real

Clearly be the light.
Trust you know.
Trust you are guided.
Trust you work miracles.
The world inside is real.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Your Openness Invites Miracles

Expect the best.
Receive the joy.
Your openness invites miracles.
Abundance manifests profusely.
Show others what heaven looks like.

Monday, January 18, 2016

You Have Become As the Air

The stars listen and watch.
The animals come near.
They sense the change in you.
Time slows.
You have become as the air.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Others See the Candles In Your Eyes

Climb softly.
The light adjusts.
Collect the happy thoughts.
Broaden the sense of joy.
Others see the candles in your eyes.
And feel the healing of your thought.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Can You Really Do Anything?

The joy is everywhere.
This is the secret.
All possibility.
Can you really do anything?
Are you willing to see?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Truth Everywhere

Truth everywhere.
Honor the free will in all.
We walk with you.
Now come, nearer still.
Do you recognize yourself?
You dawn the world.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Widening Of Perception Grants Ease

Heaven rests in you.
Allow its opening to unfold.
Grace pours out easily.
The widening of perception grants ease.
Can you work miracles more easily?
You bend the laws of nature.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Knowing Comes Upon All Who Wish

The knowing comes upon all who wish.
New roots build.
Longings are quenched.
The scope of change is beyond your understanding.
Let joy guide you.
Return to heaven, here.

Friday, January 8, 2016

The River Of Grace Runs Through You

Be the living hope.
Are you really there?
Or do you imagine everything?
The river of grace runs through you.
Do you recognize your greatness?
Do you know that all know?

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Light From Your Eyes Pierces the Dark

Quell no more the urge to ascend.
It is meant this time around.
You live in a holy temple.
Broaden the horizon you peer out upon.
The light from your eyes pierces the dark.
Illumination heals disbelief.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Joy and Prosperity In 68 Seconds

According to the teachings of Abraham (through Esther Hicks),
thinking and feeling something
for 68 seconds equals 2 million action hours

Here is an example:

Today is a really good day.

I enjoy receiving money from good surprising places. It’s really fun.

I enjoy sharing wealth with others. This makes me happy, and makes them happy.

I enjoy creating wealth. It’s fun to create wealth.

I enjoy buying beautiful things, and visiting new and interesting places. It’s really fun.

It’s fun to see how my thoughts become real wealth so quickly. And the amazing ways you 
surprise me in giving me wealth, and whatever I think about.

I am friends with money.

Thank you for giving me money to eat today, and a place to live.

Thank you for clean air and fresh water.

Thank you for a safe and happy place to live.

Everything appears just when I need it.

So much good comes to me so quickly throughout the day.

Everything will work out fine.

I actually feel a glow about me.

It is fun being surprised with joy throughout the entire day.

I am so happy for everyone to be living on this planet now.

Everything is working out well. I am amazed at how well everything is going.

I am so thankful to always be in such an easy and happy place.

Everything is better and better.

Everywhere I turn, there is even more joy and prosperity.

Everything just falls into place so easily.

I am amazed at how well things are working out, and so quickly too.

Everything is so beautiful and wonderful.

Easy pathways open before me and call me with joy.

Thank you for a happy day.

Thank you for a happy life.

Thank you for allowing me to see things in a new way.

Thank you for allowing me to use these 68 seconds to attract enormous joy and prosperity.

Thank you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Brighten This Place With Your Peace

Light the way for many.
Adjust the limits of consciousness.
The earth rejoices.
Sift the thoughts - only new remain.
Brighten this place with your peace.
Look upon the other worlds.

Monday, January 4, 2016

You Hold the Quickening For Many

Few have come this far.
You enter unknown territory.
You cross the gates of heaven, on earth.
You hold the quickening for many.
The New Creation you set your hand to.
You part the seas with your thoughts.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Windings Of Emotion Relax

The windings of emotion relax.
You are opening many doors.
Walk the forest easily.
Joy multiplies in your presence.
The higher order requires exploration.
Persistence yields the peace you seek.

Friday, January 1, 2016

We Hold Your Hand

A new way of living, now.
Accept the newness of the times.
See into the unknown.
Be calm now.
All is well.
We hold your hand.