Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Joy and Prosperity In 68 Seconds

According to the teachings of Abraham (through Esther Hicks),
thinking and feeling something
for 68 seconds equals 2 million action hours

Here is an example:

Today is a really good day.

I enjoy receiving money from good surprising places. It’s really fun.

I enjoy sharing wealth with others. This makes me happy, and makes them happy.

I enjoy creating wealth. It’s fun to create wealth.

I enjoy buying beautiful things, and visiting new and interesting places. It’s really fun.

It’s fun to see how my thoughts become real wealth so quickly. And the amazing ways you 
surprise me in giving me wealth, and whatever I think about.

I am friends with money.

Thank you for giving me money to eat today, and a place to live.

Thank you for clean air and fresh water.

Thank you for a safe and happy place to live.

Everything appears just when I need it.

So much good comes to me so quickly throughout the day.

Everything will work out fine.

I actually feel a glow about me.

It is fun being surprised with joy throughout the entire day.

I am so happy for everyone to be living on this planet now.

Everything is working out well. I am amazed at how well everything is going.

I am so thankful to always be in such an easy and happy place.

Everything is better and better.

Everywhere I turn, there is even more joy and prosperity.

Everything just falls into place so easily.

I am amazed at how well things are working out, and so quickly too.

Everything is so beautiful and wonderful.

Easy pathways open before me and call me with joy.

Thank you for a happy day.

Thank you for a happy life.

Thank you for allowing me to see things in a new way.

Thank you for allowing me to use these 68 seconds to attract enormous joy and prosperity.

Thank you.


  1. As always, Bruce, your messages are so compelling. I do check in every once in a while. I haven't been using my computer all that much, but intend to do more of it!
