Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Opening A Pathway Of Peace

Whenever I am in the car, and about to enter a busy place, I always say, "Thank you for allowing peace in the traffic." Feel it, even a little.

Almost every single time, and I mean 100's upon 100's, there is a gap in the traffic when I get there. I usually see a large block of cars that have just gone by, and another block approaching in the distance, but for me, there is clearly a nice, wide open space, right at that moment. I believe that everyone involved has either slowed down or sped up, to open the gap just for me.

They literally read my thoughts, subconsciously. Or if you want to look at it another way, an angel visited each of them.

Similarly, if I am in a traffic jam, I slowly repeat, "Thank you for allowing peace in the traffic." Slowly, the traffic softens, loosens up, and clears after a few minutes.

It has gotten to the stage where I no longer have to say this, because gaps always open up for me. Now I say, "Thank you for understanding me," to show my appreciation.

Please experience "a pathway of peace" yourself, with traffic and other places calling for peace, like with supermarket lines: "Thank you for allowing peace in this place."

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